Privacy Policy
Welcome to this page where we want to inform you about the legal aspects related to this website.
This page responds mainly to the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce , and the will to define the conditions of use of the site which you are accepting as a user of the blog at the time you are using this website by browsing and interacting with it.
In addition to the content set out here, specific aspects related to the protection of personal data and the privacy of the users of this website are developed in the privacy policy and cookie policy pages of this website.
Applicable legal framework
The activity of this website is subject to the Spanish and European legal framework, specifically to the following regulations:
- The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union regulation that unifies the regulation of the processing of personal data in the different EU countries.
- The Organic Law on Data Protection and its Development Regulation . These are the Spanish regulations regarding the processing of personal data and the obligations that those responsible for any website must assume in the management of that information.
- The Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI) . This law affects those websites that, in some way, carry out economic activities through electronic means, as is the case of this website.
Purpose of the website
The pfg architecture blog has the following purposes:
- Dissemination of information and user education on Architecture.
- The intermediation of professional services, through its services page, related to the theme of the blog between the users of the website and the professionals who provide said services.
- Acquire products or services from pfg architecture .
User Responsibility
Any person who accesses this website assumes the role of user , committing to the observance and strict compliance with the provisions set forth herein, as well as any other legal provisions that may be applicable.
PFG arquitectura (hereinafter, the provider) is exempt from any type of responsibility derived from the information published on its website and for the lack of availability (downtime) of the site, which will also carry out periodic stops for technical maintenance.
Furthermore, the provider reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website, without any obligation to notify or inform users of such obligations, with publication on the provider’s website being deemed sufficient.
Use of Cookies
The provider’s website may use cookies (small text files that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the page).
This is a technique commonly used on the Internet to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the correct operation and display of the site.
The cookies used on the website are, in any case, temporary in nature and are intended solely to make subsequent transmission more efficient, and they disappear at the end of the user’s session.
Under no circumstances will cookies be used to collect personal information .
From the client’s website, it is possible that you may be redirected to content on third-party websites. Since the provider cannot always control the content posted by third parties on its websites, it does not assume any liability for such content.
In any case, the provider undertakes to immediately remove any content that may contravene national or international legislation, morality or public order, proceeding to immediately remove the redirection to said website, bringing the content in question to the attention of the competent authorities.
The user can find more information about cookies on the cookie policy page .
The legitimacy for the collection of this data arises from the express consent that the user grants at any time by checking the box to accept this privacy policy that appears in all places where personal data is collected.
This box appears unchecked and until it is marked with an express action by the user, it is not possible to perform the action in question (subscriber registration, sending comments, etc.).
Specifically, in this blog we collect four different types of personal data:
- Your name and surname : in comments and contact forms.
- Your email : in comments and contact forms. Essential to be able to communicate with you.
- Your IP address : This data is collected by WordPress itself. It is also useful data for combating spam. Unless you also have a blog with high visibility, you can’t even imagine the spam we receive every day.
- Specific interests : In our email list we try to segment the members as best as possible to find out your specific interests within the global theme of architecture. This allows us to offer you information that is much better tailored to what you really want to receive and to avoid you receiving emails of little interest, while providing us with valuable statistical information to find out what pfg architecture readers are asking for .
Protection of personal data
The provider complies with European and Spanish regulations on the protection of personal data, and guarantees full compliance with the obligations set forth in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) , Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights , Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulations for the development of the LOPD and other regulations in force at all times, and ensures the correct use and treatment of the user’s personal data.
Affiliate Links
The provider is part of the affiliate programs of some products and services of brands related to the content published on its websites.
The provider assumes the ethical commitment to create affiliate links exclusively with products and services of which it has direct knowledge through its own experience or after having evaluated the product or service in question to obtain sufficient evidence of its quality.
The provider undertakes not to include arbitrary affiliate links to products that do not meet the conditions described above.
In the event that the user experiences any type of problem with any of the recommended products or services, the provider assumes no legal or other liability.
Intellectual Property and use of content
The pfg arquitectura website , including but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, designs, logos, text and/or graphics are the property of the provider or, where appropriate, have a license or express authorization from the authors.
The provider grants the user a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license, the exact terms of which can be consulted at this link .
Any use not previously authorized by the provider will be considered a serious breach of the author’s intellectual or industrial property rights.
Any designs, logos, text and/or graphics not belonging to the provider and which may appear on the website belong to their respective owners, who are themselves responsible for any possible controversy that may arise in relation to them.
In any case, the provider has the express and prior authorization of the same.
To make any kind of observation regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any of the contents of the website, you can do so through the contact form maintained on the website.
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
For the resolution of all disputes or issues related to this website or the activities carried out on it, Spanish legislation will apply, to which the parties expressly submit.